티스토리 뷰


1. What is an image?

A grid (matrix) of intensity values

(common to use one byte per value: 0 = black, 255 = white)


Can think of a (grayscale) image as a function $f$ from $R^2$ to $R$

  • $f(x,y)$ gives the intensity at position (x,y)
  • A digital image is a discrete (sampled, quantized) version of this function


Image transformations

  • As with any function, we can apply perators to an image
  • Today we'll talk about a special kind of operator, convolution (linear filtering)


2. Filters

  • Filtering
    • Form a new image whose pixel values are a combination of the original pixel values
  • Why?
    • To get useful information from images
      • E.g., extract edges or contours (to understand shape)
    • To enhance the image
      • E.g., to remove noise
      • E.g., to sharpen and 'enhance image' a la CSI
    • A key operator in Convolutional Neural Networks


Canonical Image Processing problems


  • Image Restoration
    • denoising
    • deblurring
  • Image Compression
    • JPEG, HEIF, MPEG, $\dots$
  • Computiong Field Properties
    • optical flow
    • disparity
  • Locating Structural Features
    • corners
    • edges


Question: Noise reduction

  • Given a camera and a still scene, how can you reduce noise?


Image filtering

  • Modify the pixels in an image based on some function of a local neighborhood of each pixel



Linear filtering

  • One simple version of filtering: linear filtering (cross-correlation, convolution)
    • Replace each pixel by a lnear combination (a weighted sum) of its neighbors
  • The prescription for the linear combination is called the 'kernel' (or 'mask', 'filter')





Let $F$ be the image, $H$ be the kernel (of size $2k+1$ x $2k+1$), and G be the output image


$$G[i, j] = \Sigma^k_{u=-k}\Sigma^k_{v=-k} H[u, v] F[i+u, j+v]$$


This is called a **cross-correlation** operation:


$$G = H \bigotimes F$$


Can think of as a 'dot product' between local neighborhood and kernel for each pixel




Same as cross-correlation, except that the kernel is 'flipped' (horizontally and vertically)


$$G[i, j] = \Sigma^k_{u=-k}\Sigma^k_{v=-k} H[u, v] F[i-u, j-v]$$



This is called a convolution operation:


$$G = H \star F$$


Convolution is commutative and asscociative



Mean filtering



Mean filtering/Moving average





Linear filters: examples


identical image
Shifted left by 1 pixel
Blur (with a mean filter)
sharpening filter (accentuates edges)








Smoothing with box filter revisited



Gaussian kernel


$$G_{\sigma} = \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^2} e ^ {\frac{x^2+y^2}{2\sigma^2}}$$



Gaussian filters




Mean vs. Gaussian filtering




Gaussian filter


  • Removes 'high-frequency' components from the image (low-pass filter)
  • Convolution with self is another Gaussian



  • Convolving twice with Gaussian kernel of width $\sigma$

     = convolving once with kernel of width $\sigma \sqrt{2}$



Shapening revisited

  • What does blurring take away?



Sharpen filter


$$F+\alpha (F-F \star H) = $$



  • $F$: image
  • $F \star H$: blurred image


unit impulse (identity kernel with single 1 in center, zeros elsewhere)



'Optical' convolution


Camera shake


Bokeh : Blur in out-of-focus regions of an image



Filters: Thresholding



$$g(m,n) = \begin{cases} 255 , & \mbox{f(m,n)} > A \\ 0, & \mbox {otherwise} \end {cases}$$



Linear filters

Can thresholding be implemented with a linear filter?








Reference: Lecture 1: Images and image filtering
